Kamis, 04 Mei 2017

Hepatitis A found in tuna; time limited for post-exposure shots - Food Safety News

Food Safety News

Hepatitis A found in tuna; time limited for post-exposure shots
Food Safety News
People who recently ate poke in Hawaii that was prepared with contaminated, frozen raw tuna still have time to receive post-exposure vaccinations for Hepatitis A. The frozen ahi cubes were distributed to retailers, restaurants and caterers by Tropic ...
In light of new hepatitis A scare, how can you be sure the food you're buying is safe to eat?KHON2
CVS Health Offering Hepatitis A Vaccine to Hawaii Residents Following Recall of Contaminated FishPR Newswire (press release)
Imported tuna tests positive for hepatitis A; officials announce recallWCPO
Food Poisoning Bulletin -Tech Times -U.S. News & World Report
all 39 news articles »

from Health - Google News http://ift.tt/2pKb8DJ
